Quoted By:
>Being so actually, legitimately butt blasted that someone else offhandedly mentioned they were buying something you didn't like you shit up an otherwise fine thread and continuing to be so autistic as to think only one other person disagrees with you
Holy actual fuck this guy is worse then greg.
Between shitting up the NECA threads, throwing shitfits in the marvel threads and forcing a goddamn sub general due to being such a autist he can't deal with seeing figures he cant afford this man genuinely needs to fuck off.
I would rather suck off greg, take subjectanon to a nice steak dinner and fuck me in the ass, or buy one of Jin's shitty customs then deal with this honest to god shithead for one more thread.
Can we please ban this shitheel from the board?
Look what happened to this otherwise nice Usagi Yojimbo thread all because a nice anon said he was going to buy this and the revoltech Magneto. Stan Sakai didn't deserve this, no one does.
This is honestly the only time I could see banning someone would do this board good.