>>8344890For the price they charge Mafex figures are definitely not worth it, especially their comic figures who have such simple paint schemes and yet they still manage to mess them up. Don't get me wrong, I do like these figures a lot (I love the Wolverine in fact) but they're definitely not worth the asking price.
Spidey has loose joints and a year after buying him, is starting to fall apart, never liked the inconsistent shading and paint-wash they gave him either. If his quality was better than he'd definitely be worth the price
Wolverine on the other hand is pretty good but barely comes with anything to justify the price, Spidey had twice the amount of hands as Wolverine and all of those different web effects, Wolverine is stuck with the bare minimum. The Revoltech on the other hand gives you better qc and more accessories for a lower price, not to mention a stand that ins't a floppy mess
I've just ordered the new Mafex Batman and I'm thoroughly spooked by the stories I've heard of botched paint jobs and wires poking out of the cape. Seems Mafex are never going to improve fully which is why I restrain from buying more