>>7242965 (You)Gryshaa here is one of the few I've managed to find the time to unbox and he's pretty fantastic. I will admit, he has some joints that are just way too tight, and that working them too roughly feels like it could damage the socket of the joint itself. But I can't think of any KS toy that doesn't require actual care when handling right out of the box. And I'd rather his joints be a bit too tight rather then a bit too loose.
As for his accessories, I love the new Scimitar, but the Orc one has that same old problem of the handle just being a horrible shape and easily pops out. He also came with a simple small sword as well as a Halberd, but I don't think either of those weapons suit this guy. His cape is the same basic cape included with many figures, but I went with the one shouldered Boba Fett look to keep him a bit unique looking.
His paint is just down right fantastic, with his boots and gloves painted a gorgeous purple while his red armor just eats up your attention in all it's glorious gaudiness. The big blue head also has a vibrant shade of blue that really makes him stand out in a display.
He was pretty much the one who started my Pledge off this time around. I knew I was buying Gwen, a Vamp Builder, the Knight Builder and so forth, but it was when Gryshaa was revealed that I really jumped into the KS full force. I won't say he's my favorite yet (I haven't opened most of them) but I will say I'm glad I grabbed him.