>>9980707>>9980711These guys are Mythic Legions Goblin Legion builders and do NOT in any way scale with 1:18 stuff. They are fantastic figures, and lots of fun, but they're firmly in the 1:12 scale family.
>>9980767>>9980779Stretched out, they're 5.5" tall, when squat down like they're supposed to be, they're about 5". They sold originally for like 20ish a pop, but they were more or less made to order and harder to find now. Second hand they can go 30-50+, and at that price they're not worth it. They might come back around at some point, but it's not very likely.
Though none of that really matters because they do not worth at this scale, and it's silly to recommend them for 1:18 collectors. Your best bet for 1:18 Orcs is Boss Fight Studios, who make literal Orcs in this scale. But you're probably already aware of that, so it's not really any help at all. Maybe there were some Orcs in the LotR 1:18 line, but that too is long out of print and those guys would probably be hard to find at low prices as well.
Not too many fantasy options at this scale anymore. Maybe check Ebay for some old True Legends figures or something, they're 5 PoA figures, but should scale well and did have some really fun sculpts.