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Trumpeter 1/35 Hotchkiss H35/38
So I remembered I had some "Apoxie Sculpt" 2 part putty sitting around and made a small batch to press into the two molds I've been procrastinating over due to my reluctance to mix up a two part liquid resin for casting. Apparently you can thin/soften Apoxie Sculpt with some alcohol some. I don't know how far you can thin it though.
I ended up snapping the turret hook I was replacing but a little bit of cyanoacrylate fixed it up and I used the same stuff to stick it to the turret. The base casted poorly so I just used a little thinned out Tamiya putty to dress it up a little before painting the turret. I'm going to need to touch up the turret some. Even more so since I didn't bother to mix the oil-acrylic I had and it left a tacky surface when I made color adjustments on the SAC green paint.
The wheels, sprockets, etc on the tank are terrible and should be drilled for wire reinforcement to mount with any strength, because the there's likely not enough surface contact for them to hold up to track tension.
It makes it a little tricky one way or the other but assembling the lower hull first (before you stick on the fenders that the upper hull glue-sandwiches over in order to secure the entire assembly) would make putting the tracks in a lot easier. The tracks run really close to the top of the fender, making it tricky to put them in otherwise, and the drive sprocket is going to make it difficult, if not impossible, to thread through if it's already mounted. The trade off here is that handling the tank after this assembly is complete might be a pain, and painting some areas are going to be difficult. One could argue if there's any point to painting certain areas though.
The rubber tracks are too long, by the way. Roughly 4 links too long, and the instructions show the link direction backwards.
I need to pick up some fresh cyanoacrylate before I continue with the tracks..