>>6294072http://www.starwarshelmets.com/RotS2ANHvader_comp.htmI take it you mean the costumes. Differences are completely different helmets since all the ANH helmets got sold/stolen after the movie hit theaters. Red lenses on the helmet in ANH v.s. black elsewhere. Part of the robe goes over his shoulder armor in ANH, and under elsewhere.
>>6293977A better Habro Star Wars example would be Princess Leia in the red boxes having a far shittier head than the Leia on the Vintage style cards released only 3 months later. But even then Hasbro told people about the decision to fix the head. I can see why nobody would have trusted them to actually fix the head but that people bought the thing right away even though it was one of the slower-moving figures puts the blame only on themselves.
To the topic in general:
Updates are always good and in my experience there will alway end up to be an idiot that you can sell your old shittier version to. There is often some amount of money lost by reselling a "used" toy but the post
>>6294039 with the car explains that well. There will always be a better product down the line. It makes no difference if the better version is a figure made by the same company only a couple years later or let's say between a Star Wars model kit from the 1980 and a Star Wars model kit from 2015 Bandai.