After building the stuff I had around I started again the king tiger. Primed everything except the turret as I had to wash it due some weird green shit that appeared on it that went away with soap and water.
I'm at the middle of the mr. surfacer bottle despite only doing two tanks with it so either this thing is pretty inefficient or I don't poorfag enough thinning it more (I do 3 parts mr surfacer 2 lacquer thinner), gonna leave this thing for kits with heavy multi materials and do regular jobs with vallejo again.
>>6481734I do, your question englobe too many variables (from doing a project tank to building some crap from scratch) but I guess all my build except the tiran5 and char2c fall in your description. I like to go my way but keeping it plausible of based on real stuff as that's really fun and keeps me more entertained than anything else