>>5477864> The CCA was banning and fucking shit up for decades.But...
>The weird free for all that was the 90s was the exception, not the rule, this shit is nothing new.>free for all>weirdWhy do you hate freedom?
By the 80s, the CCA was ballless and when they couldn't go past it, they just printed comics without the seal.
Either way, it shows how two generations were able to do away with stupid moral safety codes. They were making comics how they wanted to.
>And that worked until they realized how the direct market had made the industry insular as fuck.>implying the pandering has done anythingLOLOLOL do you even comics?
Shit, the 90s was basically a return to form for comics with million sellers. NONE of the social pandering they're doing today is doing anything but selling to that same group, as you've said.
Also, i should state that I was saying that comics before were only pandering to our baser wants. Today they're trying to pander to socialshitters.
Again, today is nothing like it was in the past... okay, maybe the 50s were pretty shit with book burnings and the CCA, but Generation MEMEMEME sure is almost as bad as them with their trying to ban everything and actually succeeding with too many of their demands