Sets come first, story comes later. Story adds elements the sets may not be able to.
Malum supposedly being huge despite being the shortest Glatorian, Kalmah keeping 3 eyes despite supposedly having a ruined one, Iruni and Norik being designed as Nihiki and Dume, Hewkii Inika meant to be brown ALA the Piraka Online Animations in canon but gunmetal in set form, the examples truly are endless.
Story also sometimes work to sort out the shenanigans with set designers trying to weasel their way around LEGO design policies or just not caring enough to bother. Pridak's bloody face being retconned to be "patterns of his species" in the story to avoid having concerned parents shove their boot up Lego's ass is a clear example of that.
The CG commercials and the comics do a good job dissuading this weird idea that Bionicle had dedicated hand pieces prior to 2009 too. We see characters treating an open ball joint as hands pretty frequently in so much side material that its dubious what a hand even is supposed to be at this point. Fuck it, its just an open ball I guess, otherwise Kopaka tears his own hand off when he takes off his shield ALA 01 and Umbra went Yakuza on the Inika and cut all their hands off minus Nuparu.