>>7317675Very short run-ny, don't expect any locating pegs or such. The biggest issue is the aerodynamic nose cone if you want to build it as-dropped instead of museum style with just the inner casing. The plastic's too thick to fit the nosecone on top, so instead you simply chop off the inner nose and attach the nosecone instead. And from what I can recall you don't actually have any marks for where to cut, you just measure the nosecone and try to hit the bomb where the thickness matches. Things eren't terribly round at the arse end of it either, which got somewhat noticeable when the properly round ass cap was to be attached. I recommend plenty of dry fitting and pre-glue sanding down of things there to get everything round, at least the issue is an excess of material rather than a shortage of it. Then the overall fit of the halves was perhaps a bit so-so, don't expect a lot of the panel lines to survive as you fix that. The wagon isn't so bad in that mostly every issue with it is hidden underneath.