>>10350556>Cover BEAR! Put the fur in your walk. Head to paw, let your whole body talk.It's a play on Rupaul's hit song that goes "Cover girl! Put the bass in your walk. Head to toe, let your whole body talk"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gycbV9iSTLg>She done already done had hersesRupaul's classic saying for the "Ru-mail" segment of every episode after "you got shemail!" could no longer be aired due to recurring complaints to the network by trans women who found it offensive
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfFsWutVD3k>Category is teddy bear realness"Category is... [insert category] realness!" is a common idiom used in the underground ball scene when announcing it's theme
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuDbyGnBBBg>this isn't RuPaul's Best Friend Raceiconic catch phrase by drag race alumni Lashawn Beyond
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pobhssA1gQ>squirrel friendeuphemism for "drag queen", like drag queens, squirrels are known to hide their nuts