>>8860935I mean, the only bits of parts swapping is removing Scarlet's hands and those platforms that link the Twins together in vehicle mode, I'd hardly call that Figma with alt modes.
Yeah, you have to remove some Thunderlight bits to use the tank, but the tank is completely optional and putting it over the existing torso would have either resulted in a really bulky torso or a really flimsy thin tank. Or just a pile of armor parts that don't have a use outside combined mode. The characters look and work exactly how Iceberg wanted them to. You're free to dislike it, but we're getting exactly what all the art and prototypes promised.
(Out of curiosity because it seems similar, do you also dislike the Iron Factory combiners for using dedicated torso parts instead of trying to squeeze Bruticus' head and chest into Onslaught?)
>>8861981I wouldn't call it a strong suit, considering Nicee and Magic Henshin are from two different designers, LAS and Iceberg respectively. And since both of them have their own passion projects in Bird/Binary and Magic Henshin, the EX like is kinda third place in priority.
And while they haven't given any good pictures of the base combined mode, it's hardly hidden. We know basically what it will look like from all the wip shots that have drifted out. I think they just like to show off the entire team to entice people to want the tank.
The eyes may be smaller, but also the lower face was covered by the collar in the render. There are a bunch of minor proportion differences between the render and 3D print, probably because the render was meant as concept art showing how it should work, rather than how it would work.