>>8246532I'm just now getting into the line but I'm liking these McFarlane Bats mostly. They are solid and the plastic quality on these guys is great. The Arkham Asylum Bats I think is especially good. Just wish he had double jointed elbows and thigh swivels.
DC #1000 I just picked up today. He has his issues. Proportions are off, that torso design is just why, and his accessories are all thick and goofy looking, but he actually articulates pretty well. Although the head is too small I like the actual sculpt of it. On the shelf at a distance I like him more, mostly because he does pose pretty well, but once you're up close with him in hand the flaws are just too apparent. I'll take him over the more recent Mattel Bats anyway. I like that these guys are coming out at this scale with this quality plastic at the price they are.
Can't wait to get my Arkham Joker in.