>>8547376>>Why won’t Hasbro produce decent media content for its lines anymore? Why do they put up with garbage like Rooster Teeth, Netflix and IDW?>Obviously I no longer have any say in it, but stay tuned. eOne was doing amazing stuff with the brands.>>Is Matt Trakker going to stay black?>Better question is, "What's going on with MASK?" Answer to that question is, nobody knows.Thanks for answering, and can you tell us a bit about the behind the scenes with MASK, GI Joe, Visionaries and ROM? Why have they all failed to launch, and is the shared universe concept dead?
Has Hasbro ever considered just incorporating them all as subsets of the GI Joe like, like what seemed to be happening with the 2017 SDCC Revolutions box set? I mean, you’ve already got vehicles that could easily be repurposed.
And I still don’t understand how plastics materials costs have kept going up when oil prices have been steadily sinking. Is it all overhead and labour that’s costing so much?