>>10979175You mean, SEED is once again being used to try and save the Gundam franchise like what it did 20 yrs ago but this time saving the Gundam SHF line because WfM and G Gundam(particulary Master Asia) didn't meet sales expectations
Line is on life support as the Seed SHF are web exclusives thanks to WfM line being tested for retail release
Tbh, I got what I clamored for all this years, a poseable figure of Lacus plus his husband so I'm content if line ends although if it manages to survive then I wish for Lacus' Seed Freedom pilot suit, it was glorious seeing it in cinemas
I will reiterate what I said these past few threads, if you guys want Char or any Gundam pilot/characters to be made into SHf then support the line
>inb4 No there is no guarantee you will get your fave Gundam character to be made into an SHFBut supporting the line does work, it worked with the SHF DBZ line that was on life support a decade ago back then due to low sales but past forward now, the line is thriving and they are now releasing/released literal whos(side characters for example), I know this first hand since the begining pf DBZ line, I supported it :)