>>9897387He's pretty much the same as his bigger counterpart in terms of articulation, minus the ankle rockers. Megs comes with his standard Fusion Cannon (which rotates but does not seem to be detachable here) and a small blaster; I was more amused than I should have been that his blaster is molded to look like a scoped Walther P-38 pistol, exactly like his original G1 transformation. Small Megatron is basically armed with an even smaller Megatron - it's Megaception.
His pistol can be placed into either of two pegholes on his back kibble for weapon storage, but putting it on his right side makes it resemble the gun barrel that's usually seen on his back; what's more, by intentionally mistransforming his kibble with the gun in storage, it can be brought up over his shoulder (pic related) to kinda-sorta resemble his G2 toy's (and Megastorm's) shoulder-mounted cannon, though it's a bit on the short side. Sadly, the pistol's iron sight on the tip prevents it from being compatible with blast effects, though his fusion Cannon works with some of the smaller ones.