>>6276855>>6276865sounds more like youve been mislead by info from video games and fantasy. your opinions align with them more than mine.
you keep using examples of soldiers from the point in history when people were turning away from armor so naturally we would see them to start to lose effectiveness since guns started piercing them. before arquebuses and more powerful crossbows, plate could deflect all man portable ranged weapons.
also that venetian heavy infantryman is wearing a good deal of armor. brigandine over chainmail with plate arm guards, shin guards, helm, and gauntlets would be heavier than just full plate.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzTwBQniLSc&spfreload=10full plate on foot hinders movement and speed in negligible amounts and the increased mass and protection of the armor completely overshadows any detriment the armor has. skill of the fighter and choice of weapons mattered more.