Final color of the 5,wish me luck lads. Also I think that masking all with tape would been better, specially for handling, rather than the hybrid tape and putty. Masking putty for such intricate shapes is shit to shape and keep in shape, perhaps bluetack would been better if I went down that road but if I have to do it again or similar build I prefer drawing on tape and cutting the little masks as it's better once set desu
>>7770022never build a bronco kit but what I remember from build reviews of their kits they seem pretty fiddly, specially when interiors are involved if any, but doable
>>7770506neat collection for a start, the swastika is quite tacky tho unless you're doing one of those abandoned panthers for propaganda shots
>>7770731never liked pre shading nor black&white technique (I appreciate the artistry of the latter but not the results) and I honestly think color modulation/post shading is the way to go as it gives more vibrant and saturated colors and a more dramatic effect overall which that is the usual intended effect of it.
You can always highlight and shade with enamels/oils as you have it now to your liking if you're not happy too