>>6744170I eyeball them (I have a ratio for tamiya in a post it in the box of paints but never check it anymore) on the cup until it feels I hit the right color, pic related started with the ak FS34087 olive drab (they have like four or five olive drabs I think) but was too "green" so I added a drop of flat red and then red brown until I liked the color and was close to the ref image (you can mic ak and tamiya perfectly and shoot it). Eyeballin is not something I recommend as once it's gone it's gone and the next mix might come up off-looking. So for the main job in olive drab I'll mix it on an empty paint jar and use it that way in case I need to do touch ups, which I'll will as the camo need that "hand applied" vibe that needs small touch ups with a brush. Same goes for thinner, I add until it has the consistency I want at that moment.
Tamiya and ammo are really good imo, never used italery or model master. Depending on where you live ammo/ak stores ship free or relatively cheap or you can get some online, you mentioned "abroad" so that means another country? If it comes to that making a big order from some chinese merchant of mr color/tamiya is the way to go as they are cheap as fuck but takes forever to arrive due surface mail only, unless you order a few paints and they risk the shipping with air mail. So far the air option worked out but I prefer not to risk it and for a huge gaia lacquers shipping I have I went surface and I expect them in march and I ordered them in late december...
For Su-27SM3 paints you mean for the blue-grey wavy scheme?