>>6729185I'll take my list from
>>6729221dudes that have sponsors
Peaugh (peaugh)
Current Jobby (JobbytheHong)
Optibotimus (Optibotimus)
guys that have fans give them free shit
Peaugh (peaugh)
Current Jobby (JobbytheHong)
Optibotimus (Optibotimus)
Vangelus (Vange1us)
Thew (barutazaru)
EmGo (Emgo)
guys that buy their own stuff
Vangelus (Vange1us)
Protoman (ProtoRetro)
Old Jobby (JobbytheHong)
Sean Long (SeanXLong)
Peaugh (peaugh) He gets fans to buy it then he pays them to rush ship it