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After all this talk about the ZAP toys being based on the Sentai stats for the mechs, I started thinking "Would it have been better if they based them on Bandai's stats from the original toys' trading cards?" So I looked those up, and here's what they said:
>Megazord: 333 feet = 101 meters
>Goldar: 280 feet = 85 meters
>Dragonzord: 277 feet = 84 meters
>Titanus: 379 feet = 115 meters
>Red Dragon Warrior Mode: 103 feet = 31 meters
>Thunder Megazord: 410 feet = 125 meters
>White Tiger Warrior Mode: 328 feet = 100 meters
>Tor Warrior Mode: 290 feet = 88 meters
Unfortunately, the Season 3 Zords didn't get cards, so there are no "official" stats for Ninja Megazord, Falconzord, Shogun Megazord, Ninjor, or Serpentera. For some reason, Thunder Megazord and White Tigerzord's heights were given in meters while everyone else was in feet. Also, which mode Tor's height belonged to wasn't specified, but he was pictured in Warrior Mode, so I'm assuming it was that. Anyway, the scale given for the Zords are roughly twice the size as that of their Sentai counterparts. Daizyujin is 41 meters while the Megazord is 101, Dairen'Oh is 54 meters while the Thunder Megazord is 125, etc. Oddly, the Red Dragon Warrior Mode is the only one who stayed roughly the same size as its Sentai equivalent.
However, going off of their Sentai stats, the Astro Megazord is only 14 meters taller than the Megazord, and look how big of a difference there is between them. So the Thunder Megazord being 25 meters taller than the Megazord or Tigerzord Warrior Mode, or the Dragonzord being 15 meters shorter than them... That would be even worse.
Sheesh. Either way, it'd just be better to go with "They're all guys in rubber suits and thus the same size."