Ever had a retailer, online or otherwise, fuck you over in some way, just because you wanted some cool shit that you have difficulty getting elsewhere, but were ONCE good to you?
>be Australian>can't get online exclusives because shipping cost is insane from more prominent American sellers>US tru exclusives NEVER come here>these guys show up>bit apprehensive because new guys on the block with professional look trying to take on the big guys>they put up mp delta magnus for $160aud>free shipping over $100aud spent>site sponsor with seibertron.com>thiscantbereal.jpg>holy shit it is and even give me collectors coin>buy many things from them for a time>people on local forums start to complain about missing mp ramjets not being sent>knowing its a limited release but having mine come in I didn't care at the time>later that year more reports come back of late orders>including mine>Prices for more sought after products are becoming cheaper despite this>I take a few more shots thinking they'll send me a fuck huge parcel eventually>nope.jpg>they lose site sponsor status>find out they planed to do a youtube series talking about collectors but aborted this with a leaked video of the first episode going around>send several emails>find out myself that they are either unresponsive (2-3 months) or send seemingly automated, false responses (ie product to be sent X date) or flat out lies ("we've sent this to our escalations department for further review)>find out their "warehouse" is actually someones house >only now am I trying to pull my money backThanks to these asshats I've lost faith in Australian online retailers, worse still they didn't have a paypal option so this refund process is gonna be a long one with the bank, I lost enough money to buy a junker car, they had good reports at first.
But what about you guys, any businesses that seemed cool but screwed you over as time went on, I heard stories about nippon yassan nin-nin game and a few others.