>>5326625>He doesn't like Shin VS Neo, better call him a Gurrenfag!Are you sure you're not the kid here, anon?
I've watched plenty of super robot anime over the years, started at 6 and I'm now almost 30 years old. And Shin VS Neo is one of the most disappointing ones I've ever seen, and believe me when I say that I've seen plenty of shit series and OVAs. I was expecting way more of Texas Mack, and the final battle is pure crap. Bland as fuck powerup, and the "fight" itself is anticlimax incarnate.
There's also a lot of potential that gets completely wasted. ¿No return of the old Getter Team to help? ¿No Shin and Neo teamup? THAT would be a good setting for a decent final battle instead of "let's paint Shin Getter blue, add some spikes and stab the baddie in the gut, THE END".
And better not talk about Gore's redesign, that thing was fucking ridiculous even for a super robot villain, and that's saying something. He can't even open his fucking mouth to talk, come on. Even the original scrawny lizardman in a tattered cape is more intimidating than that.
>I guess some people just don't have enough high power, man.That's the main problem I have against Shin VS Neo. There's no epicness whatsoever. Even the clusterfuck of a story that was Armaggedon managed to do way better in that regard.
I guess I was expecting way too much of it. Also HEATS >>>>>>>>>>>> STORM.