>>7342971Wrong. The story is easily understandable, but they tried to make it look way more complicated than it really needs to be just so it doesn't look mediocre as fuck, and also to milk the franchise with derivative games. It's also full of the same crap each time, "muh heart, muh light and darkness" and retarded shit like "guy who possesed this guy who is also this guy who later was divided into a heartless and a nobody and the heartless was posing as this other guy and the nobody went to do other shit".
It's just fanfic tier, and that's the reason why it went to shit with the second game and Nomura should stay as a character designer and stop writting garbage. Just keep the story SIMPLE AND CLEAN and don't bother trying to make it look more deep then it really is if you're unable to do something that isn't a complete clusterfuck.