>>8244220The figure is seriously good, bro. Transformation is satsifying, weapons can actually store completely hidden on the vehicle mode, and the vehicle mode itself has NO robot kibble. I can't find pics of the underside, but that shit is smooth. I usually snap up a lot of jet/plane figures and this one easily has the cleanest underside of any jet/plane figure I own. His robot mode is great too. Nice and posable. My only issues with the robot mode are that he could use a bit more ankle articulation and his legs can't come together fully. They're always just a bit apart. Also, no full rotation on his head. Other than that, his arms are good, 360 hands, good legs, joints are good, turning waist, etc. Two guns so that he doesn't have to show off one hand being a gaping hole. I can understand if you don't like the design of the vehicle or robot, but just looking at him as a figure, he does pretty much everything right. If you don't care about Scourge's lame head, I highly recommend the mold. If you do mind the lame head, but don't mind paying extra for Ratbat specifically, I would definitely recommend him over Scourge.
Also, it doesn't come across very well in pictures, but Ratbat's paintjob is GORGEOUS. In hand it looks beautiful and shiny. Seriously unreal, man. 10/10