>>7166340Since your fire place is bricked up, mount it on the mantle. Depending on the solidity, you can also drill into the brick and put a mount there.
They sell TV mounts that can be lifted and lowered, while swinging inward and outward, side to side. So you can put that in front of your record player when the TV is in use and pull it up when the TV isn't in use. Those are like $50-80.
If you don't want to mount, then buy yourself TV stand. Ikea sells rather long ones, where you can put the TV onto the stand and also have enough space to put your record player next to it. There shouldn't be any interference like that.
If you mount the TV on the mantle, you have space for two speakers. You can get away with just putting them on stands on either side of the record player furniture thing. Seriously, you need better speakers. Blast the shit out of your record player.
Sounds bars are no better than the cheapo shit that came with CRT TVs.
This is the mount i use for my TV
https://www.amazon.com/Mount-Height-Adjustable-Bracket-Counterbalance/dp/B00B7AMLMCIt might be too big for your use, so check out the weight and the brackets that can be attached to your TV.
I still keep a half ton 36" CRT, so my flat screen is behind it when I watch/play SDTV stuff and then it's lowered and put in front of the CRT when i watch/play HDTV stuff. I have a center channel that usually sits ontop of the CRT, but i move that onto two speaker stands in front of the CRT when the HDTV is in use.
It's not ideal, but i hate watching DVDs on my HDTV. So my CRT moved from my office to my bedroom.
I have a plasma in my living room and it's great for everything. It and the CRT have outlived 3 LCD TVs from Samsung and Sony. Electronics after 2005 are so shit.