>>5826706The dollhouses are 8"(w), 7"(h) and 2.5"(d).
They have a storefront on a hinge, and the inside has just enough furniture and accessories to look 3D. They also have working lighting using LEDs and a AA battery.
Scale is somewhere around 1:18-ish to 1:24-ish. They can look particularly good when you have several different ones lined up, like a walk down a shopping district.
Here's the series:
Wedding dress shop (Cherish a Lifetime)
Tea shop (Dense Feeling Moment)
Coffee shop (Favour Drink) or (Leaf Coffee Shop)
Record store (Disc Shop)
Grocery store (Grocery Store)
Magazine store (Newsstand)
Baby supply store (Lovely Baby Shop)
Tailor shop (Maiden Store)
Nautical supply shop (Seafaring Shop)
Art gallery (Gallery)
Jewelry and handbag shop (Queen Shop)
Bar (Green's Bar)
Musical Instrument store (Rock Time)
Pet Supply store (Pet World)
Bakery (Cake Love)
Available on ebay, like this:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/DIY-Wooden-Dollhouse-Miniature-Kit-w-light-Greens-Bar-with-Accessories-/311589962656?hash=item488c3583a0:g:j9IAAOSwJQdXDQWQor at