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I don't know if anyone remembers, but I'm a guy who was choosing between the pirates of barracuda bay and medieval blacksmith as their first lego set a bit over a week ago. I went and grabbed the former the same day, but only now found the time to build the damn thing and what an emotional roller coaster it was.
First the joy of course, the box was fucking huge (Also heavy), like I legit didn't expect it to be this big.
Then also joy, thing was packed with pieces to the brim, no half is the air bullshit like it often is with food and stuff.
Then the joy again because lego is fucking awesome even after all these years. But only till step number 4.
On step #4 I've had two pieces missing and two different pieces extra. As a result, I couldn't make proper shutters for two windows. Needless to say, the rest of the build, while still extremely fun, was somewhat darkened by this revelation.
Then, nearly at the end when I was building the rear of the ship I realized that decorative element under the captains cabin uses the very same pieces I'm missing. Exactly two of them too! And those two extra pieces I have? They'll fit perfectly in their place! Not as ornate, but that suggestion of a rail still works.
With that, I've finished the build in a pretty good mood. Although it still did sting a little, both because I'm a bit OCD and know that pieces there are wrong and because it's just not something what you expect when you buy the real deal and not some chinese knock off. But good news are that after I contacted lego support to ask if I can order these pieces separately or something (Like I said, my first lego, don't have any pieces of my own to replace missing ones, even such basic ones) and to my surprise they just asked for my address so that they could ship me missing pieces. Although according to a list of pieces in an email I've gotten afterwards they're sending me an entire bag #4.