>>8145034With G1. The toys were barely functional by 2000 like most figures from the 80s. Most of them had their legs fused together as a solid immobile piece and some were lucky just to even have elbows so it made sense to fix them up to modern standards. This is completely different to Beast wars because by the time of late G2, Transformers were already super articulated. Having actual legs, thighs, knees elbows, biceps and sometimes, even ankles. Beast wars was the start of Modern transformers i.e. when they started to adhere to consistent size classes.
At best, these figures need remolds to fix minor issues. I don't know how anyone forgot that there's this thing called ENCORE? You know, that line dedicated to reissuing old toys.
>But I want my updated literal whoAnd I want my updated Triggercons and Omnibots and I don't give a flying fuck about G1. You're starting to act like Geewunners who keep bitching that their version of the character is never "perfect" like it actually matters so badly. It's this mentality specifically which is the reason why Generations has become a never ending scam. If it wasn't, the whole of G1 would be done by now. I'm done with endless reboots. Why don't we get anything original for a change. What about what if toylines like Beast wars characters on cybertron or expand on the steampunk shit in H.O.S. or maybe a line that isn't just 100% nostalgia driven like going back to what Transformers was all about?
>G1 fags buy the constant Optimus Primes and Bumblebees all the time. How's that any different?Because they're literal manchildren. They're like the retards who collect funko pops. All they think about is having a shelf full of shit that makes them warm and fuzzy inside