Previous thread:
>Archie Ace Duck & Mirage Chote part of Wal-Mart Collector Con 3-13>Movie TMNT on shelves: MORE Tatsu, Leonardo vs Shredder 2-pack, Casey Jones with Dirtbike 2-pack>Mirage TMNT on shelves: Single pack Lawson Turtles>Last Ronin TMNT on shelves: Nightwatcher Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Grammy April, Casey Marie & Motorcycle>Fred Wolf Toon TMNT on shelves: black and white Usagi Yojimbo>Archie Adventures TMNT on shelves: Shredder (with Krang!)Playmates
>Vintage rerelease Military Turtle bundle at Wal-Mart Collector Con 3-13>Remastered Shredder, Bebop, Last Ronin Raphael leaked/revealed>Rerelease Mutant Module and Turtle Lair leaked/revealedMattel
>Turtles of Grayskull wave 6 and 7 shipping>Turtles of Grayskull deluxe Leatherhead (Wal-Mart exclusive) on pegs.>Turtles of Grayskull deluxe 2-Bopsteady (Target exclusive) on pegs.Super7
>Ultimates wave 11 shipping>Ultimates wave 12 in "paint and sampling" stage>Ultimates wave 13 up for pre-order>Glow in the Dark Wingnut & Screwloose up for order on Wal-Mart>Glow in the Dark Scratch up for pre-orderMisc.
>McFarlane Toys doing IDW Page Punchers>Mezco One:12 Shredder revealed>Mondo Baxter Stockman up for pre-order>Heatboys Shredder Mech up for pre-order>JoyToy Casey Jones, Zork, Zarak, and Triceraton Infantry revealed and up for pre-order>Rage Toys Samurai Not-Mikey shipping>Rage Toys Crimson & Violet announced-female turtle sculpt shown>LingjiHun TMNT up for pre-order on various sites>Useful Links:TMNTToys, a useful resource for TMNT toy history - -'s Website -