>>9733282>back of the computer>large top heavy slanted housing shading housing under it>exposed to direct light>has no idea that oxidization is a thing toolol
Sure is mongoloid who took all the dumbshit science courses in HS, if not skipped them altogether.
BTW, notice the grills on the back. Notice how even the insides on the inner part are all the same shade of yellow as the inside? How would lighting affect those parts? Nevermind the largeass connectors would create a shadow BEYOND where they would directly input if it was lighting, even if that lighting were directly pointed at every single angle.... unless it was on some moving table to ensure uniform UV exposure
You have no observation skills, like a real mongoloid.
BTW BTW, i said that "the connectors blocked a large amount of air" hence "so boxes don't even need to be airtight"
Fucking failure at HS level skills in too many categories, Corky.
No doubt, you'll cry some more ignorant shit, believing you have any wiggle room to defend your dumbshit, because you really are that retarded or just move onto callign me names.