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I'd love to complete(or mostly complete) my Beast wars collection someday. It was my favorite toyline as a kid, and there was never really a proper successor to the style of the figures. There's some updates, but they go more for the style of the show and lose some of the 90's-ness that made me like it so much.
For my Secret Santa, I also picked up some older figures for my assignment, since they liked older stuff, so I got them Mutagen Man from TMNT, and LOTR Uruk Hai from TOy Biz. I love the 80's turtle stuff, and I'd love more toys made in that style. I have quite a few loose ones, but I'm getting interested in buying complete ones, with all their accessories from the sprue. The Uruk Hai was so cool, too, I didn't realize how well done the Toy Biz LOTR figures were. I think I'm going to buy a friend's Fellbeast and Ringwraith set.