>>5914507Yes and no anon. A lot of the people join the hobby because of all the different things you can do, not just the dolls. You can sew clothes, photography, do face-ups, make wigs, do tattoos, have great OC and so on, but this hobby is without a doubt very much about art. Almost everything is related to it, and like any other artists a lot of BJD people need that positive reinforcement, no matter what platform they pick. It doesn't mean you need it 100% of the time, but having it sure as hell helps a lot. Most artists can probably agree with this, it is another form of motivation to do better, but I don't think non-artists people in the hobby get this (hell some artists themselves don't get it for some odd reason), instead they expect people to do better just for the sake of being better, but being good at something requires a lot of effort and motivation, you can't just summon that will on its own unless you already have a good opportunity to do great since the beginning. Not to mention people are very different from one another. This motivation doesn't mean they just want to be famous, just acknowledged for the fact that they are at least trying, even if we can all agree a lot of it can look like shit. I think of newbies (or people in this hobby over all) like little kids with ugly drawings that want their parents to tell them they are trying and they can get better. It doesn't have to be someone super superior, but just people that are also in this hobby over all.
Yeah you get shitty artists and people that get stuck, but if they love what they are doing then that's great, but I'm sure a nice comment here and there makes them feel even better.
I don't know.., that's my two cents. I just like seeing people starting at zero and slowly growing, I like to motivate them for that reason. Even if it can look like complete shit, I'm not babying them, just trying to motivate them to grow and there's a huge difference in between the two.