>>6486942Articulation wise I don't have any problems here. Nice huge feet with a hinged toe on a ball joint on a an hinge that lets you extend it back and forth slightly. There's no proper double knee, but you get a serviceable 90 degree bend and with all the wing kibble on him it's not like you'll really need much more than that, but if you do you can use the transformation joint to bend the knee further. Also a nice unobstructed hip rotation.
You can't do much with the balljointed wings but it does a good job letting you move them out of the way of the arms. The shoulder's have nice range too. If I were going to complain about anything it would be the elbows. They only bend 90 degress but unlike the knees it's pretty noticeable.
It's also got wrist swivels, which I originally thought they didn't (the hands and forearms blend together really well). Swappable hands like Bridge Watcher would have been a nice bonus, but coming with a stand and 2/3 of another figure is a better bonus.