I bought the 70827 limited special edition, it's a nice set but not as amazing as I hoped. The chromed yellow beetle is beautiful and what the regular release version should've been in the first place. It's quite disappointing that the engine at the back isn't painted in chrome as well and just regular not enough silverish plastic and also doesn't cover completely that section. In addition, I wish the special edition came with regular yellow roof which is also a missed opportunity and takes away from the beetle aesthetic. The accessories are prefect fitting and adds a lot of play value for the car, though there are still too few and small for the price point. My thoughts about the clicky are perfectly summarized in the pics I took, I hate him, he is the dweebest clicky I've seen, he is like an embodiment of all the bad stereotypes about Playmobil.
>>9274881The evil fairies are quite nice looking, shame the same can't be said on the good ones with their ugly bright almost neon like colors and animu faces.
>>9274882>Mini Cooper>I'm not sure how new or desirable that one will beSmall vehicles can be cute and have their appeal just like the Beetle car. I may want this, but I'll have to see how the finished set will be (vehicle color, clickies, accessories) and price.
>>9274887I need to see better pics of the ducky.
>>9274889I like a lot of of the Special Plus sets, but still have to see better pics.
>mfw figures bling bags aren't sold in my area