MU wasn't a failed line yet. Hasbro didn't sabotage that line until like 2015 or 2014. It's around Retaliation came out that we started seeing Hasbro cheaping out on the 1:18 figures and only then did everything start slumping in sales.
Looking back, I think Hasbro wanted to phase out the 1:18 lines because of GI Joe falling out of favor with retailers. It's cheaper to have multiple lines going using similar engineering and without GI Joe, only the MU line had mainstream appeal to shore up sales for 1:18 stuff.
I don't think Star Wars shares factories with either of these lines, but the 3.75" line was petering out during this time too.
Also, I'm SORTA with you on the Rise of Cobra line not having a lot of good stuff, but i sitll liked it. It was more realistic than the normal GI Joe line and that's boring. We still got great figures out of it though, like this guy