Under New Management Edition:
Reimu and Marisa are delayed until February as we all wait for winter wonfes (2/11) for new figure announcements promised on twitter.
I know news is slow but let’s keep this thread lively as we can. To further that goal, I say this can also be a robot for any sexy robots that don’t have a home anywhere else; MoMo, Astrobots, Drossel, etc. If it’s a sexy robot it goes here.
https://discord.com/invite/y3avf89TFhPrevious Thread:
>>10805695 Previous Threads:
https://archive.palanq.win/toy/search/subject/polynian/-Release Schedule-
>January:-Shamrock (Update Vers.)
-Grey Flesh Shamrock (Update Version)
>February-Reimu (Re-issue/Clearfile Vers)
>To Be Determined-Unison Reimu (Blue)
-Motoroid Torin
-Lily (Shrine Maiden Sakura)