So the guild grew again, got in another guy and some more gear from the website with free shipping and got another dark Elf and some armor from the NYCC Gashapon booth, so I decided to have the two dark elves be henchmen for the villain dude so the rest of the guild has a bit more balance. I still have one more character and some weapons on the way, but that should hopefully be it for me for at least a while.
I'm actually tempted to try and make molds of some of the heads so I can start making use of all the spare bodies I'm building up. A lot of the armor sets are just straight up fully articulated arms and legs, so I got like four complete bare bodies with no heads. If I had the heads, I'd just buy some of the more basic overlay gear and get me more figures....or I could just make molds of stuff I already own and get em for free.
Guess I should go watch me some more Crafsman to learn how to make my own molds.
>>11209212That Cockatrice is fantasy, a great, simple mod I may try to steal.
>>11210384>>11210386Nice, I like this version way better then the original one. The new heads and cape really make him stand out, and the newer weapons and unique spear are way better then the standard, boring gear the first one came with.