>>7880895>I would think that would mean that the more consistent coloringBut it is.
For every single cherrypicked panel you show that doesn't have it like
>>7880909 , there's another 23098234 others from the same page showing the correct coloration.
But again, you're just ignoring everything else because you're in denial or just a contrarian.
Again, you're ignoring the stories and the images that expliciately show and tell how the symbiote works, because you have no real argument aside from denial.
I can repost this over and over and it still won't be false and proves you're wrong no matter how many times i post it nor how many times you deny it.
>masters for a shape shifting character covered in alien goo. Nice fan fiction. As far as i know, they can only add mass, ala Venom, because it's only covering the human underneath. The human isn't being pym particled nor moved to a pocket dimension. Post evidence toward the contrary.