>>6888008>implying normies ever talk about nicholson Joker>not being talked about except when specifically asked = popular>constantly being talked about = not popularSorry, but you know how this works.
Even on /toy/ the most popular Jokers are Hamil's, Ledger's, and Romero's.
Arguably, even Spiner's is more popular than Jack's just because he's talked about more often (to be shat on).
And go ask /co/ on their opinion of 89 Batman.
Anywhere on the internet for that matter.
You may remember Nicholson and have a more nostalgic feeling over him, but is he really more popular than the ones that appeared over and over and over and over and over? People talk more about wanting Hamil to reprise his role, same with Ledger, but Jack? Maybe with the little kids in my grade school back in 1989.