>Mark your calendars and prepare for battle, for the time has come once again for all of Mythoss to gather at the polls and cast their ballots, this time for MYTHIC LEGIONS: ALL STARS 5!>20 worthy challengers shall enter the arena - but only a few shall emerge victorious. The first few of these combatants have already chosen to make themselves known, but there are more to come - and be aware that just when you think you know what to expect from the battle, the rules will change. The only guarantees are that the fighting with be fierce, and that when the dust clears we will have new champions who shall be crowned MYTHIC LEGIONS: ALL STARS.>Want to cast your votes for this year's batch of All Stars? Be sure to sign up for the newsletter right here - www.store-horsemen.myshopify.com/pages/newsletter. Emails with a link to vote will be sent to all subscribers on 3/2/22.Hint: if you receive the newsletter emails from Chris, or if you have placed an order at
StoreHorsemen.com in the past 18 months, you are on the list already and will be sent a voting email. Stay tuned for more All Stars news, including the reveal of the other combatant choices, soon!