>>7871087>Are there any model brands you guys recommend? I've mostly built tamiya, academy, and trumpeter, they all went together fine except a trumpeter m113 kit.
>Any that should be avoided? I know Dragon have a lot of problems, personally i've had the most trouble with a lindberg T-55 kit.
>Are Tamiya models good for beginners?They're the best for beginners, a lot of their kits are cheap and they go together pretty well, i've never had a fitting issue with a Tamiya kit.
>Are tanks models fairly straightforward to build? Yes, the tracks are always the most complicated part, different kits have different sorts of tracks, older kits use rubber tracks which are the easiest to put on but don't look as good.
Tanks are more forgiving with bad glue, paint, or weathering because tanks irl look pretty rough.
>What about Aircraft and Ships?Tend to be more complicated, you have to paint parts before completely assembling everything, unlike most tank kits.
>Any misc. materials I need? I know I have to get some glue.exacto knife, sandpaper, and a file(poorfag file can be made by gluing sandpaper to a popsicle stick)
Get plastic cement, tamiya thin is the usual choice, a bit of superglue is handy sometimes too, for waterslide decals you should have some cue tips to dip in water and use to press the decal onto the surface of the model.
Some tamiya putty is useful for filling gaps, and can be used to put a nice cast metal texture on parts that'd have it on a tank.
>What paint brands do you guys recommend? Vallejo is generally very easy to use, their normal paints go on great with a brush and give nice coverage with a single brush stroke, and the pre-thinned ones can be used in an airbrush with no thinner(though thinner's still recommended for more detailed airbrushing like camo)
Some clear top coat should be put on top of the model once the rest of the painting is done, it doesn't matter what brand as long as it's not cheapo stuff that has a rough dusty finish.