>>5374006Masterpiece megatron mp05 was my craziest, doesn't sound like much until you look into my country and its legal history with guns.
Here in Australia many states consider it a replica firearm despite being fuck huge compared to the real thing, I didn't know this until he arrived in my hands, was lucky because in my state he doesn't count as a replica firearm but rather a prohibited item, meaning he could of been destroyed rather than me chase up a gun license and keep him in a gun locker like other states allow.
The crazy part comes in the fact I wanted him, despite the fact third parties already surpassing him, but I knew he wasn't worth the $500+ some local sellers have him going for (scalpers that got their ones past customs) so I opted for an ebay auction of one with a bad case of rust for $120aud
JUST the feet, a known issue, one that can be fixed but I have yet to, for the sad thing is once he came in I had no room for him anywhere (over estimated how big he fucking was), so he sits in his box in the back of a cupboard until the day I can transform him once, into his gun mode and display him quietly somewhere...
I'm still waiting on an official remake but I shan't hold my breathe