>capcha is KASPANext exclusive is Starscream's ghost, I guess. Yay..
>>9154494>main carFor me, it was because the character/toy had a smaller and fatter cab than just "slide Hot Rod's car into the trailer". Even the Hot Rod->Rodimus MP does this, I think, where you have to transform the car to be the Rodimus cab. Not sure what to think about your point of smooth linkage/transition from cab to trailer. From vague memory I think I thought it fine.. nope never mind. It looks like you jammed Hot Rod halfway into the trailer. Fuck.
>face sculpt>best Rod but not idealSomething comes across as a bit off, although I'm really not sure what it is. Maybe if someone edits it like someone else did for SS86 Kup, the differences might be more clear. I want him to look dependable, hopeful, and courageous. Instead he just looks a bit *tired*...
It's heartbreaking because Rod's arguably my number one fave. I smile and feel joy whenever I see him or hear him speak, and feel bad whenever fans or the universe bullies him. I really want him to be good, or at least cheaper than commander price.
>>9154516Not sure if combiners should be commander-class or not, don't really know the math or the characters to figure out what size or price everyone is or should be. PMOP and the Japanese guys yeah, maybe. The BW guys and Lugnut? Ehh. I guess Tidal Wave would be a good mention, albeit I don't remember much of him aside from him saying his own name and being scary fuck-huge.
>>9154520>>9154523>>9154527>>9154534Aw, guys. Ahahaha
>>9154573>mfw Hasbro's fucking bullshit again