>>7460921Also if andrew is to be believed he actually sold these figures and isnt lying he sold them on feb 1st. The “buyer” didnt post until feb 21st which 20 days is about average time for Andrew to ship. But he says on march 11th it came in only a few days. If it came in only a few days why did you wait until the 21st to shout him out? Thats odd. Did he beg you for a shout out to prove something?
You have some explaining to do. Please with haste now supply paypal proof of purchase, all email correspondence with Andrew as well as tracking numbers so we can see exactly when it was shipped and when it was delivered. If this proof isnt supplied I must assume that you, anon are infact Andrew.
You pretended it sold, decided to keep the figured, and now using it to false flag and white knight yourself over the course of the past month. Now please explain these discrepancies.