>>7523892>>7552857>>7555035>>7710146>>7711357Alright, I just got these open.
First, the packaging was a very simple box made of very weak cardboard, with copious amounts of bubble wrap. The box was completely crushed, so I’m surprised these weren’t broke out of the box.
I got the light flesh and tan bodies.
They are good from afar, but far from good. The arms (from shoulder to wrist) are extremely delicate, as are the flat-footed ankles. The peg snapped off of my light flesh’s left wrist joint as soon as I touched it. That could have been due to the box getting crushed, but I think it’s more an engineering issue.
They also have a lot of plastic flashing around the knees, but that’s alright.
The torso pieces are very soft vinyl or rubber—I don’t know which. The boobs are comically large compared to how skinny the legs and arms are. In one of these pics, you can see the rubber buckling at the hip and shoulder where the arm and leg have been moved.
There’re no neck adapters included. I have no idea where one would find parts to fit these bodies—the wrist and ankle pegs are extremely narrow, so they’re incompatible with most figma, revoltech, mezco, hobbybase, and ThreeA pegs.
These bodies get excellent range of motion, but look really awkward in anything but a vanilla pose.
Long story short, very disappointing bootleg-tier body in my opinion. I was really hopeful this would be the body of choice for a Mary Marvel custom, or to stick into a Mezco Catwoman’s suit, but I think I’ll keep looking.