>>5897626I love EAH a bit more than MH (love them both though) but it's not as successful as MH is/was. They're kind of killing it slowly with turning it into the cutey cute princess line but there's still way to keep it up if they pay more attention to creative lines and lay off of the "PRINCESS PRINCESS PRINCESS" lines. Personal favorites are Darling, Jillian, Justine, and Duchess. Love Ramona too but she'll probably get butchered if they ever make her as a doll.
>>5897584I think in the last thread, someone debunked the code myth. All 70 aren't available at the moment, I believe. The basic ghouls chunk should be but the luckiest I've gotten with that so far is snagging a Rochelle. You can get some of the other ones in the non-blind bag three packs that I've seen at Target