>>9328714Don't bother. It's Subby, he's too poor to afford modern figures so he's convinced himself that toys peaked in the 2000s, and anything released afterwards is either "overpriced" (read: he can't afford it) or "is worse than what we had" (see previous but with an added dose of cope over figures not being poorly engineered overpainted messes anymore). He can't comprehend that technology marches on, so he's developed this retarded delusion that improvements are actually backwards steps and that any company that releases improved versions of older figures is only doing so because the old version sucked, and that the brands he fanboys for (such as obsolete ToyBiz junk) are perfect and can't be improved upon.
Pic related is a perfect example of his 'tism- he bought the shitpiece on the left, so he convinced himself the one on the right is a worse figure.