Previous thread:
>>11173280>Thunder Cats is crossing over with MOTU>Mattel confirms more animated shows are coming, no further detailsCartoon Collection
>New catalogs out showing Frosta, Buzz-Off, Faker, Invisible Skeletor and Horde concept 2-pack sketchbook series>Horde and the Princesses of Power are coming with Catra, She-Ra, Mantenna, and Hordak alongside Ram Man and Man-e>CC Vultak probably coming to MCTurtles of Grayskull
>The Reptile Wars have begun with Dragon Ninjor, Foot Ninja King Hiss, Snapping Turtle Clamp Champ, Rattlor's bones, snake spying Mekaneck, Snake Shredder, and four more turtles coming in 2025>Wave 4 with April, Stealth Leo and He-Man, and Hordak out at retail >Darkhorse comic for Turtles of Grayskull outMattel Creations
>Geldor next ?>SNAKE LAIR on hold still>Vultak, Rio Blast coming next year>vintage Two Bad is in the worksNon-MC exclusives
>Vecna and He-Man next for Target>Horde Trooper Prime went up for pre-order briefly on BBTS and sold out for now.>Modulok amazon listing went up, not able to order yet. German listing is expecting DecemberMasterverse
>Panthor will be MC exclusive>Fisto, Flying Fists He-Man, Evil-Lyn, Roboto, another Beastman, Skelcon also seen in new catalogsFeel free to add/update/remove any info
>Snakes foreverDiscord: Question:
What else could potentially be sketchbook series figures ?