>>10947063>you're looking at it out of context. NOPE, strictly 90s. Again, VCRs existed. VCRs with timers and TV tuners built in made buying overpriced cartoon tapes with maybe an hour of viewing time a rip off.
The fact you don't know this makes me wonder if you were even alive back then. I'd wonder if you were a poor bumkin living in squalor, but you're talking about those overpriced video services. Instead of paying for that shit, you could have bought yourself a nice 4 head VCR and a VHS 8 pack at your local kmart
There's a reason why shows on tape were incredibly niche and it took until the 00s for home copies of TV shows to become popularized, thanks to DVD. People recording shit with their VCRs was incredibly common and trading tapes was as ubiquitous as having a friend.
Also, I was online in the 90s. IRC, hotline, AOL, etc etc were full of people offering VHS quality rips for movies and tv shows by the late 90s. If you were lucky, you'd know a nerd living at college using their T3 and T1 connection to host shit 24/7 over ftp. I watched so many animes i always wanted to see thanks (probably) unlimited bandwidth and uncapped speeds through my cable ISP.
>>10947069Don't believe everything you watch on youtube. Youtube is lowest common denominator bullshit. I can tell you're on a shitty smartphone, because the file name has the date. Here's an ad from 1985.
Hard to believe people are already forgetting the past.
Speaking of which, the N64 was $250 at launch... possibly. I remember someone correcting me in a chat room way back in 1999 or 1998 that it was $200, but i forget if i proved myself right or wrong, because Nintendo did eventually change the price to $200, either a few months before or after it was launched.